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Lightness for the Bikini

How screeds from SCHOMBURG provide stability in tricky situations
• Lightweight screeds help to save weight with low loads
• SCHOMBURG covers the full spectrum with its two screeds ASO-EZ-LIGHT-Plus and ASODUR-LE
• No direct equivalent for restoration projects
Horizontal simplicity – this is how the Bikini-Haus in Berlin must be introduced. Located directly in the heart of Charlottenburg, it is a symbol for new and airy construction in the Federal Republic of Germany of the 1950s. When it needs to be renovated over 50 years later, a few challenges are encountered. One of which is not unknown for this renovation: low load bearing capacity of the floors. The problem was able to be quickly overcome through lightweight screeds from SCHOMBURG, the manufacturer of system construction products from Detmold.
The light product for the desired Bikini weight is SCHOMBURG’s proven lightweight screed, ASO-EZ-LIGHT-Plus. The weight advantage is not insignificant. A conventional cement-based screed usually weighs in at around 22 kg/m²/cm, ASO-EZ-LIGHT-Plus at only 14 kg/m²/cm. The saving over a 4,400 square metre area is considerable. In addition ASO-EZ-LIGHT-Plus effortlessly masters reaction to fire class A1 and is classified as CT-C25-F4 in accordance with the screed standard EN 13813.
The lightweight screed is also convenient to use. The working life is 60 minutes and the screed is ready for foot traffic after only 48 hours. Full strength is achieved after about 28 days. Even moisture is not a problem – the screed can be used without restriction in areas subjected to moisture. Here, a system solution with a bonded SCHOMBURG waterproof membrane is recommended.
If the weight per unit area of the screed must be reduced even further, SCHOMBURG can still help with a lightweight epoxy bound screed. ASODUR-LE is a lightweight screed with particular properties. As it is completely free from water, its use is recommended in particularly moisture sensitive constructions such as, for example, timber beam decks. As this screed does not need to dry, but reacts, finished flooring can be installed on the following day, with a ceramic tile for instance.
With the ongoing renovation project, as in the case of the children’s day care facility, there was the requirement to reduce the surface weight on the old floor slab so as not to overstress its loading capacity under anticipated live loads of 3 kN/m². Here the choice fell to the lightweight epoxy resin screed ASODUR-LE. Why? The surface weight could be reduced by almost 100 kg/m² through a combination of its own low weight of 11.8 kg/m²/cm and the possibility of reduced thickness due to its high flexural strength of 10 N/mm² compared with conventional cement-based screeds. In addition the construction time was around 4 weeks shorter as, in contrast with cement-based screeds, no drying times were necessary.
Only when the three components are mixed is the consistency of the screed’s quality guaranteed. ASODUR-LE fulfils the requirements of the AgBB scheme (Committee for Health-related Evaluation of Building Products) and therefore satisfies the highest demands for the indoor air quality of buildings. The locations, within which it can be applied, are almost immaterial as it can be used both internally and externally.
With regards to the environment both products from SCHOMBURG are winners. Both are products with very low emissions in accordance with GEV-EMICODE and are classified as EC1Plus. ASO-EZ-LIGHT-Plus and ASODUR-LE are attested to FEICA environmental sustainability. The products are supplied in plastic SCHOMBURG containers, which as they can be completely emptied and recycled is considerably more environmentally friendly than comparable paper packaging.
Should you wish to learn more about SCHOMBURG’s lightweight materials, there is extensive information on the website Here all product information, certification and installation instructions can be found. There is also a link to a video for ASO-EZ-LIGHT-Plus. Should you be interested in the Bikini-Haus: there is also a detailed project report on the website.