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SCHOMBURG places their seal on construction, waterproofing and competency.

SCHOMBURG, a medium sized family owned company, has built a presence in the market with their high quality product offerings since 1937. For more than two decades they have satisfied trade partners and applicators alike, an accomplishment to be proud of!

Diligent research and development ensure and support the high standards of quality for products and product systems, which have gained worldwide recognition. In cooperation with independent laboratories SCHOMBURG also strives to fulfill worldwide accepted norms and standards. Brands such as AQUAFIN have become a synonym for “waterproofing,” thereby highlighting the core competency of the company in the waterproofing and restoration sectors as well as tiling and waterproofing beneath tiles. Innovative products with distinctive selling points signify the product portfolio – developments from SCHOMBURG stand for market and technological leadership. Together with subsidiary companies INDUTEC RETHMEIER and AQUAFIN International, the SCHOMBURG Group develops, produces and markets high quality construction product systems for the international market.

The SCHOMBURG-Specialists prove their competency through customer and partner oriented thinking and by providing quality support which ensures safe and thorough installations during both planning and application phases. Year after year they meet and exceed the demands of many different groups and continue to build up trusted partnerships. SCHOMBURG’s ideas are accepted because they present new ways of thinking.

Quality, Assurance, Competency, Guarantee.

Guaranteed performance. SCHOMBURG is setting their official seal on this promise. It is a symbol for both exceptional products and product systems. With their promise “You can count on us, our products – signed & sealed” the company is making a binding statement, which naturally also stands for tradition and progress.

Since July 1, 2008 the successful continuation of the family business lies in the hands of Ralph Schomburg and Dr. Jens Hofele. This third generation change of leadership is also captured in the image of the official seal.

SCHOMBURG was not built on sand and has stood strong and sure for the past 70 years as a guarantee for exceptional construction, waterproofing, competency. – “Signed & Sealed!“ The courage to try something new belongs to the leaders who define tomorrow’s success!

The focus is on lasting construction – systems with stamina. For example SCHOMBURG offers a 10 year warranty to certified applicators, product systems such as DENSARE-2002, a waterproofing system which allows testing of the seal with electric conductors to ensure its functionality, and the renovation products THERMOLUT, an environmentally friendly thermal insulation system based on clay.